1st CIPM STG-CENV • Stakeholder meeting • 16-18 September 2024 • BIPM • Sèvres (France)

Meeting organization

Theme 1: Metrology in support of the physical science basis of climate change and climate Observations

Code Topic Co-chair 1 Co-chair 2

Atmosphere Physics and Chemistry

Betsy Weatherhead
Fabio Madonna

Oceans and Hydrology

George Petihakis
Johannes Karstensen

Earth Energy Balance

Laurent Vuilleumier
Thorsten Fehr

Biosphere Monitoring

Julia Marrs
Rubén Urraca

Cryosphere Monitoring

Emma Woolliams
Filomena Catapano

Cross-cutting issues

Dolores del Campo


Emma Woolliams
Fabio Madonna

Theme 1: recommendations






Theme 2: Metrology as an integral component of operational systems to estimate greenhouse gas emissions based on accurate measurements and analyses

Code Topic Co-chair 1 Co-chair 2

Accuracy requirements for atmospheric composition measurements across economic sectors, and temporal and spatial scales

Robert Wielgosz
Sergi Moreno Valero

State of play in integrated approaches for advanced GHG emission estimates and the way forward to operational services.

Leonard Rivier
Phil de Cola

Novel GHG concentration and flux methods and sensors

Hong Lin
Kevin Cossel

Strengthening the linkage of remote sensing GHG concentration measurements to emission fluxes

Richard Barker
Annmarie Eldering

Emerging Metrology Issues (Oceans, CCUS, CDR, Agricultural Emissions…)

Maribel Garcia-Ibañez
Pamela Chu

Chairs and co-chairs

Maribel I. García-Ibáñez

Tenured Scientist
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Maribel I. García-Ibáñez, Tenured Scientist (Científica Titular) at Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO-CSIC) in Palma (Spain), obtained her PhD in 2015, which focused on understanding the anthropogenic perturbation in the inorganic carbon cycle in the North Atlantic Ocean. The outcomes of her PhD, and other works that she co-authored, highlighted the role of water mass circulation in the relatively fast acidification rates of the intermediate and deep waters of the Subpolar North Atlantic. As a biogeochemical oceanographer, Maribel explores the connections between chemical and physical oceanographic processes and their impacts on the marine ecosystem. Her background includes exhaustive knowledge of the ocean inorganic carbon cycle and water mass circulation, formation, and transformation in the North Atlantic Ocean, the Southern Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea. Maribel has participated in several cruises, where she has sampled, measured, and quality-controlled seawater CO2 system variables, as well as managed the databases until their submission to data repositories. Her professional experience includes leakage detection in offshore reservoirs for carbon capture and storage (CCS), characterization of indicator dyes for seawater pH measurements and exploration of the internal consistency of the measurements of the seawater CO2 system, as well as characterisation of the processes affecting the carbon uptake in the Southern Ocean and analysis of tipping points for North Atlantic cold-water corals. Since 2021, Maribel has served on the Scientific Steering Committee of the ‘International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project’ (IOCCP), where she leads discussions on designing a new, resilient production model of certified reference materials for the seawater carbonate system. Moreover, Maribel collaborates with the Ocean Carbonate System Intercomparison Forum (OCSIF), created to debate the nature of the internal inconsistencies of the seawater CO2 system, advocate for needed research to resolve these problems, and provide guidance for data product assembly and documentation.