1st CIPM STG-CENV • Stakeholder meeting • 16-18 September 2024 • BIPM • Sèvres (France)

Accepted abstracts

Theme 1: Metrology in support of the physical science basis of climate change and climate Observations

Atmosphere Physics and Chemistry
Oceans and Hydrology
Earth Energy Balance

Biosphere Monitoring

Cryosphere Monitoring
Cross-cutting issues


Theme 2: Metrology as an integral component of operational systems to estimate greenhouse gas emissions based on accurate measurements and analyses

Accuracy requirements for atmospheric composition measurements across economic sectors, and temporal and spatial scales
State of play in integrated approaches for advanced GHG emission estimates and the way forward to operational services.

Novel GHG concentration and flux methods and sensors

Strengthening the linkage of remote sensing GHG concentration measurements to emission fluxes
Emerging Metrology Issues (Oceans, CCUS, CDR, Agricultural Emissions…)

Theme 1

1A: Atmosphere Physics and Chemistry

On site recorded presentation


Theme 1

1B: Oceans and Hydrology

On site recorded presentation


Theme 1

1C: Earth Energy Balance

On site recorded presentation


Theme 1

1D: Biosphere Monitoring

On site recorded presentation


Theme 1

1E: Cryosphere Monitoring

On site recorded presentation


Theme 1

1F: Cross-cutting issues

On site recorded presentation


Theme 2

2A: Accuracy requirements for atmospheric composition measurements across economic sectors, and temporal and spatial scales

Pre-recorded presentations


Theme 2

2B: State of play in integrated approaches for advanced GHG emission estimates and the way forward to operational services.

On site recorded presentation


Theme 2

2C: Novel GHG concentration and flux methods and sensor

On site recorded presentation


Theme 2

2D: Strengthening the linkage of remote sensing GHG concentration measurements to emission fluxes

On site recorded presentation


Theme 2

2E: Emerging Metrology Issues (Oceans, CCUS, CDR, Agricultural Emissions…)

On site recorded presentation



On site recorded presentation
