Fabio Madonna, an associate professor at the University of Salerno’s Department of Physics and an associate researcher at Italy’s National Research Council (CNR), has dedicated his academic journey to understanding and monitoring the Earth’s climate and environment. Beginning his academic pursuit at the University of Rome « La Sapienza, » he earned his Physics degree with honors before obtaining a Ph.D. in « Methods and Technologies for Environmental Monitoring » from the University of Basilicata. With over 20 years of experience, including 15 years at CNR, Fabio has immersed himself in various research activities to unravel the complexities of our planet’s climate system. His expertise lies in in-situ sounding and remote sensing techniques, focusing on atmospheric and climate variables such as temperature, aerosols, water vapor, and clouds. Additionally, he also extensively worked on satellite data validation, evaluation of weather and climate models, and reanalysis data. He has leadership roles as co-chair of the GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network (GRUAN) and as the lead for the Copernicus C3S activities related to accessing harmonizing, and homogenizing data from key networks measuring Essential Climate Variables (ECVs). Moreover, he provides major contributions to FP7, H2020 projects, and other Copernicus activities. His publication record includes 70 research papers.